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Showing posts from August, 2021

Learn Basics of Composite Dental Fillings

Composite resins, popularly known as composite dental fillings, are   one of the most popular types of tooth-colored fillings in the present times. It is a combination of acrylic resin and powdered glass filler. If a patient is diagnosed with a dental cavity, he is recommended to go for the tooth’s decayed part removal. In this way, the remaining healthy part can be restored successfully, thus increasing the tooth’s life significantly. Applications : Composite resins are utilized in different types of dental restorations. This includes fillings , veneers , inlays, and crowns. It is also utilized in restoring broken parts of the respective tooth with a natural look. Benefits :   1. Durable : Composite fillings have decent durability. One of the recent studies specified that composite fillings can effectively last and support the respective teeth for 7 - 10 years if taken good care of. So, if you take adequate care of the teeth and follow an oral hygiene routine, your compo...